MIDI FX Functionality with External Keyboard?


I am reaching out regarding the MIDI FXs functions available in Hapax & Pyramid,

Specifically in regards to arp/scale mode/harmonizer (chord) mode

If I have Hapax/Pyramid connected to a stage keyboard (with both MIDI in and out going both ways) then can I make it where the arp or repeat effects are initiated when I press a key on the stage keyboard itself? Or will it only work when playing from the Hapax/Pyramid pads? (Same question for scale mode and arp mode)

And then is there anything that would allow a latch effect to where I could latch a note on the Stage Keyboard by pressing a key from the stage keyboard?

I’m really looking for some sort of module I could pair with the stage keyboard that would basically give it the ability to have scale mode, chord mode, arp/note repeat, and latch from the key of that board itself (features you would get on a MIDI keyboard but don’t have on a stage keyboard sort of thing).

Absolutely! MIDI effects are applied on live MIDI inputs.

It can probably be done using the modmatrix, but the complexity of the setup will depend on what you have access to on the stage keyboard. What model is it? Are there buttons that can send CC messages ?

Oh wow that is fantastic news, my dreams may be alive! I suppose those features (arp/scale/hold/repeat) would be a bit mote immediate still on something like a Novation SL MK3 which is still something I should consider.

I’d be using a Yamaha CK61 for the setup in question. Thing I like about it for the DAWless setup I’m looking to build is that I get a good quality keybed, with quality Yamaha sounds for the traditional stuff (piano, electric piano, organ, strings, bass, ect.), battery powered, and built-in speakers.

But since I’ll be using it as the master keyboard for external synths as well, figured finding a way to add some of those extra features would be nice (arp/repeat/scale/chord/latch); so I’m excited to know it is possible.

The Novation SL MK3 route is still viable of course, I’d just need to pair it with something like a Yamaha SEQTRAK or Roland SH-4d to get quality traditional instrument sounds to go with it.

I glanced over the Yamaha CK61 manual, and I think it’s doable.
The documentation is a bit vague regarding the MIDI messages associated with the buttons and sliders, but from what I understand Hapax should register button presses and knob/slider movements.
For that you’d need to set MIDI Control to “ON”, and Local Control to “OFF” on the CK61. Then Hapax could act as a middleman, so that you can still play all the sounds of the CK61, with the added benefits of the MIDI effects of Hapax :slight_smile:

Nice, that’s really good news! Happy that Hapax (or Pyramid, believe it can do this to) may be the solution for my studio that I need.

I can definitely see an argument for the MIDI controller route being more convenient in some way, quicker to apply latch, quicker to apply arp; better MIDI channel switching ect.

But the stage keyboard does bring a lot to the table as well.

Anyway, that’s not a Hapax discussion, thank you again for your input on this. Exciting to find a solution!

I’m not sure if an external keyboard can trig notes through the “Chord mode”, or I totally missed it.
I have the same objective as the Gondorian. It’s totaly dable to use any Midi FX in the midi chain. Connecting a roli keyboard or an NI Komplete keyboard can be augmented by the Midi FX (ARP, Scale…) for sure…
but the Chord mode cannot be used with a live input. which is odd. When I select the type of chord, it can only be playd by the Happax pads… only. (not by an external midi keyboard).

Is there any way to do that ? can we route the midi input to the chord mode ?
