Hey there…
a bit sad here… I sold my hermod original that was the main sequencer of all my setup to upgrade and the unit I got had some strange problem… squarp was super nice and replaced it quick but now my unit doesn’t seem to output anything from the midi out jack… :(…
clock/reset works
usb midi works
usb device works
midi in works
just not midi out
I don’t know… is anyone had any issues ? any tips on what to try ?
tried the supplied trs to midi adapter and another on I found in my stuff… no clock or signal in any of my devices … I don’t see much other settings than the sync out menu - midi out - clock + transport… it works for the other protocols…just wanted to see if I am missing something…
any advice welcome… ;(
had same issue with a TRS cable not working as a Midi connection between Hermod+ Midi Out and Bitbox Micro Midi In. Midi adaptors on both ends did not work at first either It turned out to be a problem with one of the 2 Trs to Din Midi convertors I used being the wrong type. After trying all combinations of the 5 adaptors I had, I found a pair that worked and it has been stable since . I use Midi clock and data from Hermod+ to control Bitbox micro on 8 channels and have Herod+ synced to analog clock from PAM and a run signal.