There’s been chatter on the forums (some of which I got involved in) about incorporating the Metropolix Accumulator function into the Hapax. I decided to take the splurge and buy the Metropolix Solo. And even this early into 2025, I think it will be one of the best decisions I made this year. It is an ideal companion for the Hapax. As some of you may know, there is so much more to the Metropolix than the Accumulator. I thought the Torso T-1 was the ultimate ideas generator. But the Metropolix is so much more enjoyable to work with (in my book, anyway). Yes, the T-1 has more voices and is polyphonic. But if I were forced to choose between the two, I would go with the Metropolix Solo without hesitation.
One thing I discovered last night that sold it for me is how well the Metropolix integrates with the Hapax harmonically. The Metropolix automatically follows the project scale without me having to make any adjustments. I know that seems like a small thing, but for me it’s monumental. It means that I can change the project scale at any time and the Metropolix sequence will follow without me having to change the scale in the Metropolix settings to correspond. Let’s say you have a different scale on Project A than on Project B. You can switch from one to the other without worrying if the Metropolix will be out of key or having to set up some kind of program change to make sure they’re in sync. I like having the peace of mind knowing I can come up with ideas on the Metropolix and then come up with ideas to complement those ideas on the Hapax and they will always fit harmonically no matter how crazy it gets.
Like I said, there is so much more to the Metropolix Solo. It’s an excellent choice if you’re looking for a generative sequencer to go along with the Hapax.
Just a Digitone 2. Nothing fancy. Maybe I’ll incorporate Push or Maschine at some point, but I’m really into all things Elektron at the moment. Tempted to add a Digitakt 2 . . .
As for control, I’m letting Hapax serve as the middle man. That way, I can add additional elements beyond the Metropolix two track limit.
To understand how that’s working the Metropolix is going into a channel (or two) on the Hapax and that channel is set to project scale, so whatever notes the metro sends it the Hapax shifts then match the project scale. Is that what you mean?
I mean the opposite. I’m sending MIDI in/out to/from Metropolix into the Hapax with the Hapax running transport and another MIDI out going to the DT2. Hapax sets the project scale and Metroplix adjusts to follow the Hapax scale in (near) real time. So, for example, if I set the project scale in Hapax to C Dorian and I change it to E Lydian (on the Hapax) while the Metropolix is playing a sequence, the Metropolix will shift to match the Hapax project scale in real time. There is no need to even set the scale on the Metropolix because the Hapax will take precedence. I even tried changing the scale on the Metropolix in real time while it played a sequence and it ignored those changes, sticking with whatever scale I had already set on the Hapax. I hope that helps clarify it some.
Curious as to the settings on the Metropolix for this. I thought, while it can send different types of midi data (notes, clock, transport cc’s etc.), it only received transport and clock.
I have a Metropollix in a eurorack case with the USB extender for midi. So not Solo but should be exactly the same thing.