[MAJOR BUG] Should be at top of the list - live record quantization

Please Squarp can you add this soon. Its such a workflow killer to have to go in and edit notes after a recording where I needed quantization. Its crazy to me how this sequencer doesn’t have this very basic feature that 99% of other sequencers have. Please make it so we can record live and turn on quantization to snap the recording to grid in realtime with the recording.

Edit :: changed this to BUG because that’s what it is imo.

quantization is always on (unlike Pyramid, where it was an FX you had to activate)

it doesn’t actually snap notes to the grid though in a live mode recording. It needs to just like every other major sequencer. Please don’t make me explain why it needs to work like this. Squarp have already acknowledged the issue to me ages ago. Would really love it fixed.


Bumping this again because its been WAY TOO LONG. Its been 5 months since I started this post but I have contacted squarp about this on the first version and they said it was on their list to implement. Please where is it? This is the worst workflow killer i’ve ever experienced from any piece of gear.

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I 100% agree that bounce/print quantization is needed. This is holding the Hapax back for me too!

It’s not really a bug though, more of a missing feature.

This could be added simply (in terms of UI anyway) by having ‘Quantize’ as an Algo.

In fact, I’d love to see all the MIDI FX available as Algos!

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Agreed, this is especially critical on a sequencer where you can zoom in, I don’t want to be confused by the microtiming differences. I think doing what the newer elektron machines have would be nice, hitting record + play(twice) would toggle the quantize record mode.

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Yep. I think in another thread squarp said its in the works. Hopefully sooner rather then later. Thanks Squarp!

Even better options:

  1. Quantize Algo

  2. Print/Bounce to clip - it bounces down everything in a pattern, through the play quanitze, and also through the MIDI FX.

  3. Route Track to Track - can set a Tracks output to feed another Tracks input. This way could bounce down stuff in real-time whilst playing with FX etc.

I do 3) already using MIDI loopback, be great to have these 3 options implemented though… would take the Hapax to the next level!