Recently I was working a project & while the Seq was playing I save it & it kinda froze, but it did save & since then it takes a long time to save.
Anyone else experienced this?
Recently I was working a project & while the Seq was playing I save it & it kinda froze, but it did save & since then it takes a long time to save.
Anyone else experienced this?
I think it was just something wrong with that Project. All others saves fast…if anyone even cares.
I care (because I still haven’t updated).
Maybe it just ended up writing a lot of something it shouldn’t have. Look at the project files on a computer: is something that you don’t expect, are the file, is some track unproportionally big etc.
All other projects saves fast. That project was kinda dense, but it seemed like it was too slow, but I’ll check it again.
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