Live mode on multitracks


I have a great fun using the Pyramid Squarp the following way : I play on my Osmose Expressive E, and through the Squarp Pyramid Live Mode, I send midi data with FX Midi, so that I can get some nice random notes on a scale or texture on one other synth or VST. I know it’s possible to send midi to 2 devices through one track (For example : Midi A 1 and Midi B 1, or Midi A 1 and USB 1A) but, it’s possible to play live so that two differents tracks receive the notes I play live ?

I want for example to play live on my osmose, have a first instrument to receive 5 Midi FX through Midi A, and a second instrument to receive 5 other midi FX through midi B…

If not, I was wondering if the Hapax could do that ?

Thanks a lot,

I don’t really know but I guess that it isn’t possible to do that with Pyramid because, as far as I know, you can only play or record on one track at a time and you can only have one set of MIDI FX assigned to any one track.

Your question has got me wondering though if perhaps you could potentially have different FX automation applied different outputs. It probably wouldn’t work and I realise it is not really what you are after (different MIDI FX for each output) but I couldn’t help wondering if perhaps if you were to have already set up some FX automation on another track that was set to, for instance, output on MIDI Ch 1, output B (but not output A), whether that might enable you to get at least different results out of the different MIDI outputs.

Like I say, it probably wouldn’t work, and if it did it would be using the same set of MIDI effects, and you’d have to have recorded or programmed the automation in before hand but it might be something worth trying.

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