Latency Compensation on Hapax vs in DAW

Hi folks,

Proud new owner of a Hapax for a couple of weeks now, and really enjoying my early jams. I run a hybrid hardware and software (Ableton) setup and just wondering when syncing with Ableton whether it’s best practice to set the delay on the Hapax-side or in Ableton?

I typically have one or two ‘voices’ coming from soft-synths (mostly Pigments), and then some effects processing and the overall ‘mix’ happens in Ableton as well.

Can I also just confirm that the transport for the two projects is not able to be running independently? Had the issue last night where I was working on Project B, but it was stopping seemingly-randomly…but then I remembered that I have been testing out Song Mode on Project A so it was stopping at the end of that, which also seems to stop Project B?

I’m sure I’ll have some more questions - particularly about automation - as I get my head around this beast of a unit.
