Im interest in buying the Landscape Noon - If you havent seen it check it out, its a very different type of machine.
As its entirely passive they have voltage requirements - and amperage. Its works well with Eurorack and Arutiria Brute.
QUESTION: Anyone got one and tested?
QUESTION 2: I don’t have Eurorack and have yet to really get my head around voltage requirements but was considering a module to amplify or offset the CV to increase the ceiling on the Hapax from 5V up to 12 V. Would this work in theory? One could then explore different voltage ranges with the -5 / + 5V from the Hapax.
Thanks - yeah I wasn’t so worried about resolution as the whole pitch set up is nonlinear, its more chaotic than that but from reading it seems if you scale or offset voltages it puts the voltages into different ranges which makes the whole instrument behave differently. ITs worht a shot.
I may being buying into the marketing but I like the chaotic and interactive idea of it as something tot create other rhythmic textures which is neither synth, drum machine nor plugin, and being able to do it without twiddling a mouse and just recording. Who knows - think Im going to give it a whirl.
Given the passive design of the device the reaction of the touch plates will vary greatly based upon what voltages are being received in which channel, how many channels are being touched, skin moisture and gate lengths. Using only trig signals can significantly lessen touch plate response.
Noon’s volume controls and mixing are done passively which can create situations for non-linear behavior, interaction between channels, audio bleed and at times affect overall chaos during droning patches. To fully mute a channel the mute buttons should be utilized because the individual sliders will still allow some audio through at the lowest setting. Noon’s two dedicated CV inputs are also passively summed to the even and odd channels. This can create cross talk, audio bleed and interaction between even and odd channels when utilized. We take these additional interactions as a feature rather than a limitation but that’s just us
I did my research before hand and new what to expect but given its individual nature there was no way of really knowing what you’d get out of it.
It does work with the Hapax, however I didnt have Eurorack at the time and therefore lacked Attenuverters and controls to easily increase or decrease voltage input ranges, levels etc. The Hapax works, but is quite fixed in its CV output.
I wanted the Noon to add as additional percussion and textures to tracks alongside drum machine sounds.
In reality it was fun but I found it quite limited sonically and I think had I had Eurorack tools to post process the audio I would have found it more rewarding as I could have Gated the output and so forth to tame it. As it was it was fun, but meldodically not easy as itll never be tamed to a key or scale. My realisation was I should just get a sampler so I got the 1010 BlackBox instead, Problem is I totally hate saving and loaidng samples and all of that. I was hoping for an analogue toy that would create interesting sounds in this realm, and the Noon does, but I was pretty limited with what I could get it to do with the Hapax.