Is it possible to have velocity change the sample layer and have the sample volume stay constant unaffected velocity?
Barring that how hard would it be to set up different firmware for different functions having some things hardcoded by default to make space for other features?
My use case is this. I have four Rample but I want them to be able to do different things as they are or will be set up to use samples in four different ways. None of them Poly implemented.
My first one is for beats. I don’t see this one needing any modification. Drums need different velocity for different volume levels. The current implementation also works within the layers ability…
2 loops. This is the first one that needs a constant volume level and velocity tied to layer.
3 drops and effects. Should have velocity tied to layer. Volumes of this Rample should be automated elsewhere including filter cutoff.
4 vocals. Volume should stay constant. Velocity tied to layer…
I believe my Rample all have the latest firmware which is weird because some things don’t work like the manual says or seem to function at all. I’d like to be able to have function level control over the firmware and be able to leave out certain functions like one can do in Gentoo Linux.
Basically I want to see at a code level what it’s doing to hardcode the hardware to absolutely behave in a certain manner. Is any of this near the realm of possibility?
[Alternately the last Rample video gave me an idea and now I want to hotrod my Rample firmware.]