I want to define an instrument definition, where I used the drum track type in which 4 triggers/volumes go to the 4 CV/gate outputs. I.e. CV out corresponds to drum volume.
That should be possible, right?
I know I could create 4 separate regular tracks with CV/gate, but then my beat is scattered over 4 tracks and I need to use pitch as volume, which is fairly inconvenient. I want to use all the benefits of the drum track.
In the mean time, I’ve found that in de drum lanes definition, you can define CHAN as CVGx. Which is hopeful. I guess I’ll define 4 of them and see whether the volume comes out of the CV:
CHAN can be a number between 1 and 16, Gx, CVx, CVGx (x between 1 and 4), or NULL
Edit 2:
Yes, that works exactly the way I want