there sure are some happy accidents in the new firmware!
my favorite sequencer by far!*
*i like my mpc a lot
there sure are some happy accidents in the new firmware!
my favorite sequencer by far!*
*i like my mpc a lot
i dont mean bugs.
nice clarification haha
I don’t know if that is officially where the name comes from, but it is what I have adopted as the meaning of Hapax for at least a couple years now. If “happy accident” is not the meaning, I suppose it’s yet another “happy accident” that it works out that way!
Yeah man… Arpoly and Shaper are generative beasts! I’m still trying to get expected results from Register. Throwing Scaler after Register is kind of a must otherwise I find it too random… too chaotic. I also don’t understand how long the pattern will be before it repeats. Like I wish I could put some more constraints around it… like tell it to work with in only so many steps or bars… and then rather than having a Center Parameter, have constraints within a set number of steps or bars… and perhaps multiple instances of those constraints. So for example… trying to keep it simple… say you have a four bar length and notes could be between C4-C6 for the first three bars and between C2-C3 for the fourth bar. I don’t really have any idea how to go about constraining it in that way as it currently exists.
I need to submit a request for the Reshape parameter of Shaper to display the Track CC Definition Names rather than CC 1, CC 2, etc. I keep having to look into my instruments manuals for the MIDI Implementation Charts because I rely on the CC Definition Names rather than CC Numbers. Its dangerous opening those manuals! I get sucked in and all of a sudden I’m way off course (though I often walk away with a slightly better understanding of the instrument ).
Anyway, as it exists… I end up experimenting a lot and sometimes get those “happy accidents”!
happiness is a happy accident on my hapax
I guess we should retroactively make it so.
Is there a word which is to “portmanteau” what “retronym” is to “acronym” ?
Thanks for your values of innovation, elegance and adherence to a vision above the average!
please give us all the beat divisions in lfo tempo sync times! that would literally be like willy wonka taking us on the glass elevator ride at the end of the chocolate factory tour!
and thanks for standing behind your product. im so happy with hapax! you probably didnt know you are on the verge of the most amazing wobble machine known to humankind… did you know that? its true. i will make you a plaque for your office saying so… after we get the lfo sync divisions tee hee
Would love a video of some of your wobble ideas. That would be really inspiring
i would feel foolish and no doubt be ripped apart alive by ravenous wolves but ill make something to show and then realize how much i dislike it and then delete it hahahaaaaa
wobbles work best if you can modulate multiple parameters all with range, offset and orientation. this is not possible with all hardware. but good thing is basic wobbles can be done with only a single parameter most of the time. think of all the newer wavetable soft synths and their over the top modulation capabilities… serum is easily a well known example. you can pass the same modulator to literally any parameter or every parameter. it makes for an animated and wiggling tone that can come alive, smashing all impressions of static and boring. all this of course is based on how wobbles are used in the sort of music im fond of. ymmv
Thanks for the answer! Gonna go for it as well
All about the fun making some nice sounds and music
thats only my mpc 1000 in multitambral mode, pitchbend and lfo on the amp also some filter mod in there.
heres the raw waveforms i used for the bass tones, the rest is jjos2xl and hapax
It’s amazing how so many here are surprised and delighted by the incredible design and functionality of this wonderful piece of equipment. Thank you Squarp!!
I know it’s pedantic, but “Hapax Legomenon” is Latin for a term that appears only once in a body of literature. It’s most commonly used to refer to words that are found only once in the Bible.
With that in mind, it seems to me that “Hapax” refers to the truly unique nature of this fabulous product.
yeah i looked hapax up to see this definition. i like happy accident better lol!