Instrument Definition: Meris LVX

Here’s one for the Meris LVX.

VERSION 1 # Currently, this should only be 1.

# Supports all alphanumeric ASCII, and ' ', '_', '-', '+'
# Can also be omitted or NULL to not override the current track name, e.g. "TRACKNAME NULL"

# Can be POLY, DRUM, MPE, or NULL

# Can be A, B, C, D, USBD, USBH, CVGx (x between 1&4), CVx, Gx, or NULL

# Can be x (between 1-16), or NULL -- this is ignored if output port is not MIDI


# Can be x (between 1-16), ALL, or NULL -- ignored if INPORT is NONE, ALLACTIVE or CVG

# PC
# number must be either:
#   - A number (for simple PC)
#   - Three numbers, delimited by ':', which represent PC:MSB:LSB. You can put 'NULL' to not set the MSB/LSB.
# PC must be between 1...128
# MSB/LSB must be between 0...127

# CC
# DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number between 0 and 127
1 Mix
2 Dry Trim
3 Wet Trim
4 Expression Pedal
5 Preamp Type
6 Preamp Location
7 Preamp Para 1
8 Preamp Para 2
9 Preamp Para 3
10 Preamp Para 4
11 Preamp Para 5
12 Preamp Para 6
13 Delay Structure
14 Bypass
15 Time
16 Delay Type
17 Left Note Division
18 Right Note Division
19 Feedback
20 Cross Feedback
21 Delay Mod
22 Delay Para 1
23 Delay Para 2
24 Delay Para 3
25 Delay Para 4
26 Delay Para 5
27 Delay Para 6
28 Delay Para 7
29 Delay Para 8
30 Delay Para 9
31 Delay Para 10
32 Delay Para 11
33 Delay Para 12
34 Delay Para 13
35 Delay Para 14
36 Delay Para 15
37 Delay Para 16
38 Delay Para 17
39 Delay Para 18
40 Delay Para 19
41 Delay Para 20
42 Delay Para 21
43 Delay Para 22
44 Delay Para 23
45 Delay Para 24
46 Delay Para 25
47 Delay Para 26
48 Delay Para 27
49 Delay Para 28
50 Delay Para 29
51 Delay Para 30
52 Delay Para 31
53 Delay Para 32
54 Delay Para 33
55 Delay Para 34
56 Delay Para 35
57 Delay Para 36
58 Delay Para 37
59 Delay Para 38
60 Delay Para 39
61 Delay Para 40
62 Dynamic Type
63 Dynamic Location 
64 Dynamic Para 1
65 Dynamic Para 2
66 Dynamic Para 3
67 Dynamic Para 4
68 Dynamic Para 5
69 Dynamic Para 6
70 Pitch Type
71 Pitch Location
72 Pitch Para 1
73 Pitch Para 2
74 Pitch Para 3
75 Pitch Para 4
76 Pitch Para 5
77 Pitch Para 6
78 Filter Type
79 Filter Location 
80 Filter Para 1
81 Filter Para 2
82 Filter Para 3
83 Filter Para 4
84 Filter Para 5
85 Filter Para 6
86 Mod Type
87 Mod Location
88 Mod Para 1
89 Mod Para 2
90 Mod Para 3
91 Mod Para 4
92 Mod Para 5
93 Mod Para 6
94 Looper Location
95 Looper Level
96 Looper Feedback
97 Looper FX1 Select
98 Looper FX2 Select
99 Tap Tempo
100 Looper Rec-Overdub
101 Looper Play-Stop
102 Looper FX1 Press
103 Looper FX2 Press
117 Toggle Tuner Mode
118 Trigger Hold Mod
119 Delay Half Speed

# Lsb & msb should be between 0 and 127
  # Note: LSB can be over 127 ONLY if MSB is 0 or omitted
  # e.g. '0:1026:7 FOO', or ':2000:7 BAR'
  # the examples above would be equivalent to '8:2:7 FOO' and '15:80:7 BAR' respectively
# DEPTH can be 7 or 14
# For NRPN: DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number, either between 0 and 127 (for 7 bit NRPNs) or between 0 and 16383 (for 14bit NRPNs)

# Syntax: TYPE:VALUE
# TYPE can be "CC", "PB" (pitchbend), "AT" (aftertouch), "CV", or "NRPN"
#### For CC: Value must be a valid number between 0 and 119
#### For PB and AT, any text after the TYPE will be ignored
#### For CV, value must be between 1 and 4
#### For NRPN, value must be MSB:LSB:DEPTH, with both lsb & msb bebtween 0 and 127, and DEPTH being either 7 or 14
CC:1 #Mix
CC:13 #Delay Structure
CC:15 #Time
CC:16 #Delay Type
CC:17 #Left Note Division
CC:18 #Right Note Division
CC:19 #Feedback
CC:20 #Cross Feedback
CC:21 #Delay Mod
CC:22 #Delay Para 1
CC:23 #Delay Para 2
CC:24 #Delay Para 3
CC:25 #Delay Para 4
CC:26 #Delay Para 5
CC:27 #Delay Para 6
CC:28 #Delay Para 7
CC:29 #Delay Para 8
CC:30 #Delay Para 9
CC:31 #Delay Para 10
CC:32 #Delay Para 11
CC:33 #Delay Para 12
CC:34 #Delay Para 13
CC:35 #Delay Para 14
CC:36 #Delay Para 15
CC:37 #Delay Para 16
CC:38 #Delay Para 17
CC:39 #Delay Para 18
CC:40 #Delay Para 19
CC:41 #Delay Para 20
CC:42 #Delay Para 21
CC:43 #Delay Para 22
CC:44 #Delay Para 23
CC:45 #Delay Para 24
CC:46 #Delay Para 25
CC:47 #Delay Para 26
CC:48 #Delay Para 27
CC:49 #Delay Para 28
CC:50 #Delay Para 29
CC:51 #Delay Para 30
CC:52 #Delay Para 31
CC:53 #Delay Para 32
CC:54 #Delay Para 33
CC:55 #Delay Para 34
CC:56 #Delay Para 35
CC:57 #Delay Para 36
CC:58 #Delay Para 37
CC:59 #Delay Para 38
CC:60 #Delay Para 39
CC:61 #Delay Para 40
CC:80 #Filter Para 1
CC:81 #Filter Para 2
CC:82 #Filter Para 3
CC:83 #Filter Para 4
CC:84 #Filter Para 5
CC:85 #Filter Para 6
CC:100 #Looper Rec-Overdub
CC:101 #Looper Play-Stop
CC:102 #Looper FX1 Press
CC:103 #Looper FX2 Press
CC:118 #Trigger Hold Mod
CC:119 #Delay Half Speed

# This section will be readable from Hapax.


Thanks mate!!

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