Hi there
I have a iconnectivity audio4c that I use with my hardware synths and controlled by an iPad.
Does anyone know if it’s possible to configure the iconnectivity audio4c to work with the Hapax and the synths? I’ve tried connecting the hapax via midi din and usb but can only control one of the synths on the hub of seven.
Not sure if the audio4c works in the same way as IConnectMIDI4+, but if so you have to set up routing with the Auracle software (their webpage does say the auracle sw is available for it)
You can configure source (example midi 1 or usb) and then which ports to have it send to (maybe all of them?)
Then you can have your synths on different midi channels and add synths to the hapax and output to the channels you have the synths on
hapax ↔ audio4c ↔ synths
example setup below, my hapax sends to the MRCC (which also does alot fo routing) the MRCC sends to din port 1 of the IConnectMIDI, which routes to all the usb devices connected to it through a usb hub (HST1234))
hope it helps
good luck on midi fun
Yeah that helped and I got it up and running.
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