New user here, i’ve just purchased a Hapax after the love this sequencer recieved via diverse online channels. Impressed by the features obviously and how this machine will change the way i sequence and influence those via midi FX.
However i’m trying to get my old synths to work with the hapax but it’s proving to be a bit painful and not as compatible as i hoped for… Problems i’m running into:
Hz/oct scaling/tracking is not correct with my MS-10 on the Hapax, it’s way off…, cross checked with my Keystep pro and that one tracks beautifully. Also the MS-10 VCO CV in likes a 0V + 8V input as noted on the frontpanel. Isn’t it possible in future updates to be able to scale this per CV channel? It would make the Hapax interface better with older synths?
My SH-02 likes a minimum 7,5v trigger, but the Hapax only goes to 5v? After reading in the manual its written indeed that it only sends out max 5v, i have not noticed this and certainly did not expect this limitation of such a flagship sequencer or am i overlooking something?
Any solutions possible these problems above besides dropping another €200,- on a midi to CV converter besides using my eurorack to scale the trigger (which i deff. do not want to do…)
Anyone care to chime in or have any thoughts?
Yes, i have updated it to the latest firmware just released!
Next problem i’m running into is the CV scaling that my Micromoog needs. This one tracks at 0,97v/oct.
I used to have a Analog four by elektron, which has a very clever CV scaling in her OS. Wonder if this could also be possible on future Hapax firmware updates?
Been playing with calibrating the CV outputs of the Hapax, now i managed the track almost 3 octaves, but only the C notes follow, some other whole notes and one octave up but many notes in between seem to be off…
I’m not very experienced with this as my keystep did not need any calibration and tracks perfectly.
Anyone care to chime on who is been on the same path? I mean…, the hapax feels worth it to invest some time in… let’s say it is an interesting experience.
I have no problems wth correct CV tracking on the Hapax with old Roland synths - calibration on the Hapax was necessary though as it was wayyyy off - however haven’t tried with Korg Hz/V gear as yet
Good to hear Martino, it seems indeed necessary to calibrate the CV outputs. I’ve made a S trig cable for my micromoog and succeeded in scaling the CV voltage. The CV values i had to adjust were in deed way off, but this is also caused by the 0,97c/oct tracking that the micrmoog wants. So this issue is solved, the synth tracks OK, still slightly off but thats due to the age and nature of the synth and temperature in my room.
With this in mind i probably are also able to scale the SH2 into good tracking via CV, only issue not is to find a gate output booster to bring up the maximum gate output level of hapax, which i found here:
This turns a 5v gate into 10v, only working for V trig though! So that would make the SH-2 work with hapax…
So with above solutions in mind i’m going to spend some time with my ms-10, i probably need to calibrate the CV output with a v/oct synth first, which ‘normalizes’ the v/oct output for the hapax, my SH-2 will work for this (i’m using the output of the actual synth with a tuner instead of a multimeter) then i’d set the settings to Hz/v in hapax so the ms-10 would track hopefully correct.
Only issue im running into at the end when i want to use all three synths at the same time is the gate polarity which seems a global setting for all CV outputs
Micromoog - V-trig 5v = gate on
SH-2 - V trig 5v = gate on
MS-10 - V trig 0V = gate on
Am i overlooking a setting that allows me the set the gate level on per CV/gate channel?
Or should this be a feature request for future firmware update?
Other route is getting a kenton pro for my MS-10, a gate booster for my SH-2 and be done with it…
Hope my findings help in order for other people to figure this out.
Also want to mention that Jean from Hapax has been quick and helpful in replying via a support ticket
I’m not near my studio right now to check settings, however I am running an SH-2 and SH-101 via cv/gate right out of the Hapax and they both seem to track just fine.