Hey, can the Pyramid not more than 16 Def files ?
Not in my experience. That’s also what the documentation says:
Thanks. I hope they will make more i the next updates
I am with you on extending the number of definition files. There has been discussion about memory being a limiting factor, but I agree this would be huge for large setups. I currently have 16 definition files used and need more than double that to serve my entire studio. 32 definition files would really help me manage my studio more efficiently.
Agreed. Volca Sample takes up 10 channels alone. More definition files would be good for flexibility.
From Pyramid Manual | Squarp instruments
TIP If you set an instrument definition with a channel number = 0 (instead of 1 to 16), every “not defined” instruments of the selected output will be defined as this definition.
With that, multi-timbral synths become manageable.
Someone help me…what does this actually mean?
Heh, I guess up to now I hadn’t tried to really read that snippet from the manual because I knew it from the original context here on the forum (unfortunately those beta topics are inaccessible). It’s indeed a bit… um, thick
The zero channel basically means default instrument: all channels on that output default to this instrument, unless overridden by an instrument with a specific channel.
In case I didn’t manage to make it any clearer maybe an example will.
My setup is built around two multi-timbral romplers: JV-1080 on output A and XV-3080 on output B, both defined as default (ie channel zero). The other devices only respond to a single channel at a time so they have a specific channels in their definitions - I’m going downwards from 16, spread across the outputs. Thanks to the zero channel default thing, the JV and XV always cover all the remaining channels on their output lines and don’t need adjusting when adding new gear.
Since you can obviously only have one default per output, use it wisely. If you have more than one multi-timbral device on an output, you’ll need to resort to multiple instrument definitions per device for the rest.
Thanks, @pmatilai . I think I get it. So if I have a multi-timbral device Out B. I only need to load one definition file for it rather than 4 separate ones for each of its four channels?
And providing its defined channel is 0, and it is is the only defined device on OutB with channel 0, the definition will be copied to all the other channels UNLESS another device has been defined with a specific channel?
Yes - if you use channel 0 for it.
Of course, if you then add a 8-way multitimbral synth on the same output, you’d want to make that the default instead to minimize copying, as copying will be needed if you have more than one multitimbral device on an output (and want to utilize it fully). So it’s more of a stop-gap measure than a proper solution, but I doubt we’ll see any changes to the definition system at this point.
Definitely using 0 for my multi-timbral instruments and still out of definition files. I have a considerable amount of midi to cv converters that I would like to define with more detail, but given the limitation I have to use a more generic definition for all. Considering a second pyramid as I don’t know if another hardware sequencer that allows you to define instruments.
Right now my pyramid rig can handle 6 synthesizers, 6 drum synthesizers, 6 midi to cv converters via a Mio10, Mio4 and Midiman 8x8, but alas I have more gear to define.
Question: would the mk3 release indicate there isn’t a follow up in the works for a good amount of time, if ever?
Thank you. Be well. Xxxxxx jim
Hi there, I’m sorry to bump this old thread, but just to clear things up: have a 4 part multitimbral synth listening to channles 1 to 4. I can load the same definition file on each of the 4 tracks I want, even with channel NOT set to zero (eg: channel 1). Upon loading, all the 4 tracks show the channel 1 on the assigned port. I can now change tracks 2 to 4 manually. This seems to work, and I don’t have the "all non-defined channels will default to the “0-channel def file”. So I can use the remaining 12 channles on that port for other multitimbral synths using the same method. Is that correct?
Subsidiary question: the Pyramid can “hold” 16 definition files. Does that mean that I can only put 16 def files on the SD card, or can I put any amount of them there, but only 16 different def files can be actually loaded? If so, if I use the method above (or the “0-channel def file” method for that matter), does the single def file used for many channels count as 1 loeaded, or as many loaded as there are tracks using that same def file?
You can have any number of files on the SD, but the Pyramid can only load 16 at any time. The limit is “concrete” per definition file, ie an instrument taking an entire port by using the zero channel counts as one instrument definition loaded (that’s why the 0 channel trick is so handy and important with multi-timbral devices). As for your primary question, AFAIK the Pyramid doesn’t care how you divide your instrument definitions between ports and channels, as long as they don’t clash.
Ok, thanks yes this clears things up. But how come that I seem to be able to load a def file with non-zero channel assignment (like an ordinary def file) and then change port and channel for each multitimbral part? Isn’t that more flexible than dedicating a whole port to a single multitimbral synth? Real world example: I have a Akai S5000 sampler on MIDI-B channels 1 to 8, a Digitone an MIDI-B on ch. 9 to 12, a Analog Keys on MIDI-B ch. 13 to 16. With the “Channel 0” method it’s impossible to load def files for the two Elektrons if I have loaded a “Channel-0” def file for the AKAI, is that correct? Whereas by changing assignments manually, it seems possible to a have the correct CC/Note mapping for each channel with only 3 def files…
Channel zero means fall back to this instrument if not taken by some other instrument. So you use zero for the thing that eats most channels per port, and then add instruments with individual channels on top.
For example I have two Roland 16 channel multi-timbral romplers, one on port A and the other on port B. And then 1-2 additional instruments on each. The other stuff has varied over time, but thanks to the zero channel the Roland definitions never needed changing and all available channels always work “out of the box”.
In your case, the S5000 uses most channels on that port so I’d use 0 for it, and then you can even have specific instrument definitions per each channel for the rest if you like.
That said, I haven’t found that much use for the instrument definitions, so I mostly stopped bothering at some point. To me the by far most important thing has been the ability to name notes for the drum channel.