How does quantizing work on the Hapax I’m confused

Why that ?
I don’t see why I can’t have “sloppy” patterns and “rigid” patterns in the same track.

Well yes, that’s why it needs the input quantize and quantize algo.
But for nondestructive quantize, I think it makes sense to have it per track, as that is meant for live playing (imo).

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Sorry but your statement doesn’t really make sense. Again there is no reason to have quantization the way they have it. Please describe a use case for it to be the way it is that is useful. There isn’t one in my mind. DAW sequencers are above and beyond the hapax but they also handle quantization the same way. A bugatti isn’t every car but it steers the same way with a steering wheel like every other car. Its a basic feature of how a sequencer operates. Again we aren’t talking about some obscure feature like an accumulator or something. Its just simply quantization, a baseline feature that is done the same on all sequencers and it doesn’t need to work any other way or be improved because it cant be improved because its already perfect. No one 30 years from now is gonna say the hapax was amazing because the way the quantization worked. LOL