How do I scroll one scale degree up/down at a time in STEP view?

In step mode, I’m entering notes in the key of F# major. I want to quickly enter my first inversion F# minor chord (C# F# A#) without scrolling between pages.

I can’t figure out how to scroll the view one scale degree at a time so I can view the whole chord at once.

The manual doesn’t seem to give me options. I’ve tried in Step mode:

  • Up/down moves one octave at a time, with the bottom row always being F#
  • 2nd Up/Down does nothing
  • +/- zooms in and out
  • holding or selecting and using Encoder #1 moves the actual note (not the view)

I don’t know what else to try. Thanks.

Edit: I found out that if you don’t use a project scale, then you can scroll freely with Encoder 1. Is there a way to enable this movement if you have a project scale?

P.S. The Hapax F# major scale marks the notes F#, Ab, Bb, B, C#, Eb, and F, which is messing hugely with my brain



I’ll discuss it with the team

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Any plans to enable one-note-at-a-time scrolling when Project Scale is enabled?

This would make it consistent with the non-scale view and overall enable more fluid note selection and entry (for example when your melody crosses pages).



I would love to see this as well (this was the first feature request I did when I just got the Hapax). It makes more sense to me to set the root note of the scale in the Project scale settings and use the upper left parameter to show and adjust the note that is at the bottom row (not root of the scale), to allow for scrolling up and down by notes within the scale.

Also, I hope you will enable the top row, even for 7-note scales. Just use it for 1 octave above the bottom row.


I really hope Squarp adds this. I’m finding the whole octave jump to be really disorienting when project scale is enabled. When its chromatic, it’s so nice to be able to scroll it note by note with the encoder.

I think the way it works now in project scale mode really inhibits my ability to work quickly and effectively while adding steps to the grid. I was just making a syncopated bassline with the root scale degree (E) and i wanted to add a few D’s so I have to scroll down a screen and now I can no longer see the E’s, which is disorienting when you’re trying to play with the rhythmic relationship between the E’s and the D’s.

The continuity that of single step scrolling in Chromatic mode is EVERYTHING!



Really hoping they add this!

Yes, it is quite weird. But I think it is quite a dilemma for a machine like Hapax. It would quickly go sideways if it tried to always name notes correctly in accordance to music theory. As I see it, they just went with the “most used” sharps and flats. It is ugly and wrong to have Bb to be the major third of a F# major chord, but I fear it would be too messy, if we had to deal with both A# and Bb, C# and Db and so on. Messy in the sense that Hapax would have to make some extremely well-educated guesses to name all notes as we would expect. In particular since music can be absolutely ambiguous regarding tonality, so no matter how hard Hapax tried, it would not be right all of the time, and it would definitely confuse people to have, say, a bass note that is a double flat E (and not a D), if it took “being correct” to the extreme.

For me it is more harsh that a chord consisting of C, Eb, G and Ab is called Cm6 (as Hapax does). Yes, the Ab is the minor sixth, but in real-life chord notation, 1000 out of 1000 musicians will play you C, Eb, G and A if you ask them for a Cm6.

Agreed, it is a pain to not be able to offset by 1.
Also utilising the 8th row.
It feels like the people using the hapax are not the kind of people who would be unable to figure out what the 8th row is doing there.

Personally I have never been happy with the way scale modes are implemented on midi devices - I’d like to have the ability to be able to perform all transpositions/effects that use numbers in terms of scale degrees rather than semitones, which can lead to mis-placed notes if applying say semitone transpositions to chord progressions, rather than degree-transpositions.

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the notes are already color coded so it’s not hard to find the root, wherever it is on the y axis, in non-pScale mode.

it’s funny because scrolling one row at a time in pScale might make me actually enter more notes via the grid because it would make it much more usable, but things being as they are, i work without pScale and generally either record live or use learn mode with an external keyboard.

Me too, which is a shame honestly.