I am trying to use an Osmose keyboard in mpe mode with a uCVC module (MIDI to CV converter) with the Hermod+. I have Track 1 set to Pitch and Gate via CV Inputs A and B . When I set the layout for Track 1 to “1 Voice > Mono (Note)” and set the TR1 Input CV to “CV/Gate AB” I can see on my scope that there is pitch and gate CV being sent from the uCVC, but the Hermod+ only receives the gates. But the gates don’t re-trigger for legato playing. And there is no pitch tracking.
However, when I tried changing the layout for Track 1 to “1 Voice > Modulation” and set the TR1 Input to “Mod A”, I got both pitch tracking and gates, even when playing legato… For about 20 minuets. Then it just stopped working and now it won’t register triggered gates from the uCVC. If I bypass my VCA I can hear that it is still tracking pitch.
I have tried every combination with the different track layouts and TR Input assignments but I can’t get it to work again. Anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong?