Hermod recording resolution

So there are 64 steps and when I zoom in there are 512 steps. Does that concern the recording or just editing? Can I record more than that?

Exaggerated example would be: Set tempo to 1 and record 64 minutes of unquantised MIDI.

Obviously I could try this myself, but it just occurred to me and I won’t be going to my studio for a few days… :blush:
So I’m asking maybe someone here knows this already.

Ok, talking to myself again I found the info. Hermod resolution is 24ppqn (pulses per quarter note).
That is 1536 notes per sequence

So if you have music with 16th notes as the smallest division. You can make a sequence of 96 bars (in 4/4) long.
If your sequence contains 8th triplets too. Than it can be 32 bars (4/4) long.
And chain 8 sequences, so it is 256 bars. Not bad

Hermod+ has 96ppqn, so a lot more can be done. (or 4x more)

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