Hermod Mod Matrix and MIDI Questions

Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well!

I am trying hard to wrap my head around the Mod Matrix in Hermod and could use some help from more experienced people… I don’t have a lot of experience with MIDI or MIDI CC so I have some questions that might help me understand how generally how it works in general and within Hermod.

So my understandings are:

  • Each track can send its own MIDI Channel
  • Each Track listens for a specific Midi Channel
  • Specific Midi CC on different midi channels determine what parameters are modulated on Hermod in the Mod Matrix.


  1. How much information can I realistically send from one channel to modulate another channel through Midi CC?
  2. Can I configure what Midi CC modulation outputs go to?
  3. If certain Midi CC controls different parameter changes generally, could I make the Midi output of one channel modulate specific parameters in another mod matrix?
  4. Do I need to manually patch the output into one of the Mod Inputs (A,B,C, or D)?
  5. Can I send modulation to modify multiple effects in the same chain?

If these questions seem inexperienced or as though I have a misunderstanding of a concept, please let me know what I need to research…

Thank you!

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Each track can have a MIDI OUT effect on its effects chain, which will send events on a specific port, on a specific channel, yes.

Yes, and the “Active Track” channel too, for convenience. This can be tweaked in Settings > MIDI IN.

Only CCs on “listened” channels can affect the mod matrix. If you are on Track 4, and modulate something with CC11, for example, the modmatrix will respond to CC11 coming CH04 (or whatever channel Track 4 expects in the Settings) and CHxx, the active track channel.

  • How much information can I realistically send from one channel to modulate another channel through Midi CC?

Not a lot. MIDI OUT effect only transmits ONE CC (the Track MOD CC, chosen in the MIDI effect). The messages can be remapped from a cc number to another, but still only ONE CC will be sent.

  1. Can I configure what Midi CC modulation outputs go to?

Not sure what you mean. You can choose which CC is sent by the MIDI_OUT effect, and you can also whoose which CC affects what in the modmatrix.

You can use midi for cross-track patching, but like I said, you will only be able to transmit one CC from one track to another.

  1. Do I need to manually patch the output into one of the Mod Inputs (A,B,C, or D)?

For one cross-patch, it’s the same amount of cables. You either patch the CV output of Track 1 to go to CV A which modulates Track 2, or use a MIDI DIN cable from MIDI OUT to MIDI IN, and use a MIDI OUT effect on Track 1 to send a CC to Channel 2, which Track 2 listens to.
HOWEVER, for multiple cross-patches, that is if you intend to send messages across Multples track, or multiples times to the same Track, etc., it starts to make sense to use a MIDI cable, because you can send 128 different CC messages, across 16 channels, simultaneously, with only one cable.

For example, on Track 1, you can have the following FX:
[MIDI] → [LFO] → [MIDI OUT (CC4 ch2)] → [MIDI OUT (CC4 ch3)]

That means you can have the same LFO shape coming from Track 1, modulate stuff in both track 2 and 3 !

Absolutely, you can have the following mods:

  1. CV A → ARP: RATE
  2. CV A → LFO: RATE
  3. CV A → ARP: STYLE
  4. CV A → LFO: RANGE



Thank you for this conversation, @Jeez_Max @Thibault_Squarp

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You can actually send up to 7 cc from each track. Just set up multiple midi out plugin, each one with a different cc destination of the modulation

would that also send duplicate note information if any notes were present on the channel?

i usually do it with a couple of midi synths i own and i don’t have double notes issues. of course the modulation will be the same for all the cc, you just send it to multiple destination