Help With Pyramid Please

I have just purchased a Squarp Pyramid sequencer. I have connected it to my YamahaTyros 5 workstation, but can’t record or play anything. If I set the Pyramid in live mode and press each of the top row of sequencer keys in turn then it plays the sale of C major. Also if I clay the scale of C major on the Tyros then each of the top row of sequencer keys lights up as I play, so I am sure the midi is working. However if I go to step mode and try to record something then nothing happens. I have downloaded the Squarp Pyramid manual, but I have not found any help there. I need something very basic just to get stared recoding and playing back. If somebody can point me to a video or document that can help, \I be very much obliged.
Regards Dave.

Have you tried to look at the midi monitors ?
What is really comming in and what goes out when you enter notes in step mode ?

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