Help quantising CV inputs


Could do with some help re the above.

I have a nice sine wave which I was hoping to quantise to notes in a scale using Hermod (up-down-up-down etc).

I know the sine is working as I can plug in directly into my VCO (1v/oct) and get the familiar sine sound.

So now I want to try and quantise that input with Hermod.

I plug the sine- bearing cable into Hermod input A, define a single voice / modulation track, then go into Settings and change CV Inputs so that Track X is mapped to CV Gate AB. I then take the Track X CV output and plug that into the VCO.

But all I get is a single constant note, no variation :frowning:

I wondered if I needed a Scale effect over the top, tried that but no change.

Feels like I haven’t quite understood how to make this work yet - does quantisation require a gate/trigger also ? Am I missing something somewhere ?

Many thanks.

You just need to also send gates/triggers into CV input B, so hermod can know when to create a new note.


I do wish it were possible to just only record the cv as input, then manually add gates later on to convert to notes. That way, one could record 4 cv signals (instead of only 2 cv/gate pairs) and then create note patterns later by adding gates with hermods main sequencer buttons. But that’s not how it works and im sure there’s a reason. I’m guessing it converts stuff to midi somewhere in there, so it can’t store the pitch sequence without the gate timings.

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you could record it as modulation (mod track)… then you can add gates as on the modulation track.

the ‘issue’ with this is many FX only work on ‘note’ tracks.
e.g. Id love to be able to put a scale FX on a mod track, even if it only S&H when it hit a trigger.

I also wish Hermod did not differentiate between note and mod tracks… and rather treated everything is voltage… perhaps with just a ‘notes/mod’ view in step mode.
But I suspect the reason against this is storing continuous voltage would take more memory/events, and also make some editing a little cumbersome.

I 100% agree. I don’t really understand mod tracks. Voltages are voltages!

i find mod tracks kinda useful, i use the gate to control trig or accents on drum modules with the euclidean fx, and the cv to output the cv from lfo fx, all controlled with an external midi device. for my workflow is really nice to have independent gate and cv, even tho i would also find it useful if incoming cv could be quantized without a gate, but maybe that’s too demanding hardware/software wise

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yeah, i dont know if this is because of the ‘heritage’ from the pyramid, and so midi…

But I’ll admit, the more I thought about this, the more I realised, there are lot of things ‘special’ about the programming of cv/gate - and the way for notes we tie these together, e.g. during copy/paste
also even something like a scale fx, is done using s&h, i.e. we use the gate , not just continuous quantizing. each case, you look at and can go ‘but you could …’ , but the more you look at it, the more complex it becomes - and ultimately, would probably give an ‘inferior’ user experience.

(ie. I think you could make it work BUT for the 90% use-case of programming gates - it would probably be much less user friendly… sometimes flexibility just creates too much complexity, and detracts from the ‘task at hand’)

ultimately, I think more complex grid sequencers like the hermod, probably therefore (to some extent) need this distinction of notes/modulation to help usability.

of course, there are other options for different types of sequencing, e.g. make noise rene.
Ive actually just got a Frap Tools USTA for this purpose, in many ways its more limited than the hermod, but it takes you in different directions - so it feels quite ‘compliementary’ to the hermod.

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