hapaxOS 1.10 RC - Looking for beta test volunteers

Very excited about the Instrument definitions, anyone know if CC order is important or not? Some of my sync CC specs group by functional area instead of CC order (Waldorf M). Wasn’t sure if the interpreter can handle out of order CCs or not.

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You can change the order however you want :slight_smile: it will show the parameters in your order

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Awesome, and how would one define a range of channels for a multi-timbral device? I’ve got 4 different channels going into my synth.

Well presumably you would want to use 4 different tracks on the Hapax to control the 4 different timbres/channels on the Waldorf M.

You could leave the channel info blank in the M definition file. Or you could set it to the most often used channel and then override that setting when you use that definition on the other Hapax tracks. Or if you dont want to have to select channels manually on the Hapax/dont want to have to remember which channels you’ve assigned on the M in your setup going forwards, I suppose you could create 4 different copies of the M definition file, each with a different channel mentioned in the file.

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Yeah I figured that out now, so I’ll use the base definition as an “M” template that I can tailor for specific voicing.

I don’t think so, I feel like I know nothing after reading these forums for a while. I did spend a lot of the last 2 years playing with the Pyramid and the Blackbox but still feel like I barely scratched the surface in a lot of areas. I think the best part about the Pyramid (and Hapax, I’m sure) is how there are multiple ways to do things so that it feels natural to different people even when they accomplish the same goals via different methods.

@sirshannon I am going “DAWless” after trying to arrange in a DAW for a while. The Blackbox sequencer (simple as it is) is my first experience with hardware sequencing.

I am excited about the Hapax, and very appreciative of the information you and other forum participants have provided!

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I am at a computer all day every day and I write iOS apps at my day job so I lean very heavily towards dawless when making music in my spare time. I prefer being away from a computer and having real knobs and buttons, the process is so much more enjoyable for me. (And I refuse to have a laptop on stage if I ever play on stage again.)
If you have any questions re Blackbox, feel free to DM me.


On the random Fx i think it would be better if the velocity + - goes to 127 instead of 64…
because it dependents of the velocity played…

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Is there any way to route an arbitrary track to track 16 for the purpose of using Match Chords? I’d like to be able to pick chords playing on another track and use them to “quantize” all the other tracks.

INPORT ALLACTIVE doesn’t seem to send MIDI messages to ‘drum’ type tracks. It works if you set an actual port and channel. Is this by design?
Update. Have been in contact with the developers and have now established that this is to do with drum parts that use trigger notes and different channels.
They have been very helpful.

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The popups are still not showing correct values. Also, If you hold down a track pattern pad (not one of the top track pads) so that the popup appears, and then change the values of program, MSB, LSB and trigger type, the values are not saved to the pattern.

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Why are 14 bit CCs not supported in the same way that 14 bit NRPNs are?
A lot of units use pairs of CCs to store 14 bit values, so it seems odd to only support NRPNs.

all issues and feature requests should be submitted via the contact form

im at home sick with covid and have a chance to give hapax a go between sleeping…
i find 16th note quantization being the lowest setting a bit hard to lock in my chord progressions…
think it would be good to have 1/8,1/4,1/2 and 1 bar quantize settings too

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