Hapax with current setup MIDI vs USB

Hi there,

First time caller here. I recently got the Hapax and I’m looking for some advice on connecting it to my current setup.

Currently, I have my synths connected to my computer/DAW via a Motu 128. I could just connect the Hapax to the Motu and use it that way. However, I’d like to have the Hapax and synths indepent from the computer when using the Hapax. I’d still want my synths to be connected to my computer too.

I believe I could connect the Hapax and synth via midi and then just use USB with the computer but I’d rather keep using Midi with the computer if possible.

I keep reading about the iconnectivity. Perhaps that would be a solution?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. This is new to me. Thanks!

I’m assuming you have a Motu Express 128 usb-midi interface? And when you say MIDI, you mean MIDI-DIN vs MIDI-USB.

Your setup all depends on how many synths you have and how many channels. If you have multiple USB connections from the Motu on your computer with overlapping channels, that’s going to be a bit tough with the hapax with their current MIDI-USB implementation since it is a single connection per USB (host and device).

If you just have 16 midi channels, I’d start with a simple USB switch between the motu and the computer or hapax.

I’ve used the mioXL and I have multiple DIN ports from the hapax plugged into the mio going out to various devices. This can run independently of the computer and the computer can use USB through the MIO.

If you need to go this route, you should look at the MRCC from conductive labs with it’s simpler setup.

If you are handing with Arduino, this is a pretty nice solution: https://www.tindie.com/products/deftaudio/teensy-41-midi-breakout-board-8in-8out-usb-host/ and it can be used to get additional DIN ports for the other devices or you could replace those other solutions entirely.

So, how complex is your synth setup?

How many synths and channels are you using?

Hi and thanks for your help!
Very, very simple setup. At the moment I have the following connected directly to the Motu 128, each on their own input and each on Midi channel 1 - Matriarch, minilogue XD, Pro 3, Subphatty, Mother 32, UDO Super 6 and a Toraiz AS-1. The Motu is connected to my computer via USB.
I hadn’t thought about a usb switch but I don’t think the Motu Express 128 works without a computer?
I’m happy to rewire and change anything that’s needed.

The hapax can look like a USB computer, but it will only see one of the USB connections.

The easiest setup would be to have the synths all on separate channels and if you have a din port to spare, use that to connect the hapax. And route that port to all the others, which it appears that the motu might be able to do. This will disrupt your daw setup in terms of the channel assignments but not require changing the rest of the USB connection stuff.

The motu isn’t standalone unfortunately but I was able to get my MPC Live 2 to act as a hub with everything connect to it and controlled by the Hapax. This leaves my DAW setup intact too. I may still get a MioXL but will see how I get on like this first.


So there’s one problem with using the MPC, the dreaded midi note off bug.

If you connect the hapax via USB or din to the MPC, and then route to multiple destination outs on different channels, note off messages for a given note get sprayed across every channel.

So if you have a pad playing on c3 on one channel a lead on c3 on another channel will chop it short.

The MPC would otherwise make a perfect midi router until the hapax has proper midi connection support.

You can see more detail and a workaround here:

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Since you asked: I’m using the iconnectivity Mio XL as it has 8x DIN In, 12x DIN Out and 10x USB Host and one USB DAW connectors.

Advantage: if it LIKES your gear – like the Squarp Hapax – you can just connect it via USB and send MIDI (and up to 500mAh of power) through it, I see no difference in speed or reliability and I currently steer 21 machines through it. If I ever need more MIDI DIN out, I can always attach some MIDI Hub like the Kenton Thru 12 to it. It has some very advanced routing options, preventing MIDI loops. It is also capable of some basic filtering - nothing compared to a MIDI Solutions Event Processor, but it already save my day with a misbehaving Norand Mono.

Disadvantage: it doesn’t like quite a lot of gear over USB even if it’s class compliant with everything else on the planet, like the Polyend SEQ, the AtoVproject 16N, the Erica Synths LXR02, the Tasty Chips GR1, the Nord Wave 2 and so on. Also it requires a Windows/Mac-App to set up (and then you forget about it … until next time).

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