Hapax vs Oxi One comparison

Hi all

I have been looking for videos online that compare the Hapax to the Oxi One to decide which to get. I’ve found several videos on each separately, and they both look like winners, with the Hapax having an ease of use edge and the Oxi a portability edge. But interestingly I never found any head to head comparison videos. So I decided I’d do the research and make one :-). Obviously it will be a bit challenging without the actual gear but I think I can still make something useful that can help others like me.

To kick off my research, I started with a Google Doc with a side by side comparison table. This doc is open for comments, and I’d be grateful to anyone who took a look and pointed out inaccuracies or omissions. Once the dust settles around that I will move on to the video.

It would be easier to add comments there rather than here for tracking purposes.

I’m not quite sure why the last few entries in the Hapax column are in a smaller font; I pasted in a markdown table and that happened and I can’t seem to fix it. But that’s minor.

Thanks all!

Link here: OXI One versus Hapax - Google Docs

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