Anyone has this imo overpowered groove box bundle and got program changes on the Seqtrak to work? I found a thread on elektronauts and one on gearspace, but the MSB/LSB combinations won’t work for me. Tried to flip MSB/LSB but no dice. Tried with presend on but that didn’t work either. Any pointers? The relevant settings in the Seqtrak app are on but the Seqtrak is thoroughly unimpressed with any program changes I send to it.
Hi. I am actually wondering if you are having the same problem I am with the Nord Lead A1. The Hapax seems to be the only device I have which can’t change the program banks on the A1. Using the Hapax MIDI monitor (2nd + Live), I can see that the sequencer is sending the LSB (CC32) before the MSB (C00), which is opposite of my other MIDI devices which send these messages, including Bitwig. Maybe this can be fixed in an update?
Just fyi, Squarp actually did send me a bugfix that fixes the issue and I guess, it’ll be in their next firmware update. Really appreciate this a lot!
Yes, same here! Works now.