Hapax MPE pitch bend automation


I’m trying to record polyphonic pitch bending from my Push 3 to the Hapax but am having no luck. Is there a way to record MPE pitch bends onto the Hapax yet? It’s pretty essential to me.

Also, I’m trying to play a Hydrasynth this way, if it matters. Push 3 as controller to Hapax as pattern recorder to Hydrasynth.

Not 100% sure but I think you have to set MPE X as mod source applied to pitch in the mod matrix of Hydrasynth to make this work.

Have you set the track you are recording to, to actually be in MPE mode on the Hapax?

(MPE tracks part of the manual : Hapax Manual | Squarp instruments )

“Hold step + Rotate the main encoder to choose the type of the active track, which can either be a Poly track, a Drum track, or an MPE track.”

yes i have

and no @Maarten it works with every other midi controller i have without having to set up MPE X to pitch.

i would be satisfied with per-note polyphonic AT editing at this point, but it doesn’t look like the Hapax has the MPE editing I thought it did.

to be clear I’m looking for MPE pitchbending, not regular pitchbending. I want to play a chord and only have one note bend, and have the Hapax record that.

Editing MPE data is not implemented yet but when I tried, recording and playing back MPE, including MPE pitch bend, worked absolutely fine and as expected. However this was quite a long time ago and I didnt try it again recently. I will do so and report back. Have you established that the Push 3 is correctly outputting the MPE data you are looking to record to the Hapax?

That’s fine, I think I would be ok with recording and playing back MPE without the per-note editing if that’s the way it is. Although I will say the one thing keeping Hapax from blowing my mind is the fact that I can’t edit per-note (hopefully that’s something implemented in the future-- the manual says “not yet implemented”).

I’m routing through Ableton using the “FromPush” MIDI input. That is going to the Hapax in MPE mode on the Ableton track. The Hapax is also in MPE mode for the track/pattern I’m on. I can record the MPE data within Ableton, and I hear it through the Hydrasynth while I’m recording using the Hapax. However, when playing back the track on the Hapax, I no longer hear the pitch bends.

Hope that’s helpful, I hope my situation is a technical one rather than this being the normal operation.

I am having problems even playing polyphonic aftertouch with the Hapax. I perform from my Hydrasynth into my Hapax-- should be no problem to record the Poly AT gestures, right? Welp, it doesn’t. I know they took away the Poly AT EDITING at one time, but what about recording?

Poly AT is blocked - Squarp claim they will fix this in a future update.

Looks like they have broken MPE pitch bend with OS 2.00. If you try OS 1.16 you will probably find it works.

Can anyone confirm this works now with the 2.01 release?

Working now :partying_face:



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