Hapax Definition Files

Hi All , I am a new one here so sorry if this is in the wrong place. I am learning my Hapax and was wondering where to find definition files? Has anyone done one for the Alphabase?

thanks steve

If you look around the forum you can find some. There is also a database and editing tool but I forget the link. I think it’s run by @Gamahachaa

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If you look through the categories there is a sub category for instrument definitions under hapax. Not totally obvious.

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Yes the app is there
You will all the Defs in file/browse
Don’t remember about the Alphabase though Airbase is there,
I can see some CC that are more or less the same, but oviously you will have to remap

(it is on my todo list to make a table copy paste mapper, to just select tables, paste it in the tool and have the tool proposing you to define which column is the Control and which is the value)

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