Hapax Arp Effect is confusing me

Hi all

New user here. I’m a bit confused by the MIDI effects chaining. Here’s what I did, and what happened versus what I expected:

  • I created a track with a single note
  • I added a harmonizer MIDI effect to turn this note into a chord. So far, so good; when I hit play, I heard a chord
  • I then added an arpeggiator after the harmononizer. My expectation was that the output of the harmonizer (3 note chord) would be fed in to the arp, and I would hear the notes of the chord played as an arpeggiator. Instead, all I hear is the original single note.
  • if I disable the harmonizer, and enter a chord instead of a single note, I still don’t hear the chord being played in order (I used style ‘up’); instead, in this case I hear the original chord.

Clearly the arp effect is not doing what I expect an arp to do. What am I missing?

what is the duration of the notes, are they single 16ths or a sustained note

and to be clear, you need to have a sustained chord (or notes) to use the arp

Of course! It’s obvious when you say it. Thank you!