First pattern from midi file loaded as second in Pyramid

how type 1 midi files are dealt with (or not) varies between daws…
I did a bit of a test a while back

my personal experience is…
you can import and export midi to/from the pyramid,
but the issue is midi only contains ‘part of the story’ , e.g you dont have fx, sequences etc etc.

for me, this means the import/export is a kind of ‘end of the line’ activity, rather than something you can have as part of your workflow
e.g. the two scenarios I see working are:
a) start/develop your track on the pyramid, then export it to DAW, adapt to ‘finish it’
b) start/develop your track in the DAW, then export it to Pyramid, adapt to ‘perform it’

what I think would be painful/not viable?
develop on pyramid → develop on daw → develop on pyramid etc etc.
because each step, would require adaptation (1)

that said, usually I just ‘print’ stems to audio when I do the pyramid to daw step… (2)
so perhaps others have found a suitabe workflow to go back n’ forth?!
what have others found?

(1) perhaps you could automate the daw side a bit, but not much you can do on the pyramid.

(2) another approach, I think i saw on the octatrack that might be interesting on the pyramid.
forget importing of midi, get the pyramid to send tracks (midi) to the DAW one by one - so multtrack the midi. you could possibly automate some of this using pyramidi, and a suitable daw project template.