Feature request: Note Remapping

I’m gonna submit this feature request properly, but wanted to share here to see what others thought about it. Not sure if its been discussed already, or if there is a roundabout way of achieving this (feel free to share).

Would love to see a ‘Note Remap’ sort of effect where you can remap incoming midi notes (and other midi parameters). For example, taking a lead melody you’ve created and folding it down to just a single note with the same rhythmic structure. In my case, I have a Sherman Filterbank2 which can be triggered via midi on a specific midi note depending what type of triggering you need. So if i have a melody that spans across multiple notes, it would be really nice if there was a way to quickly fold it down to the single note that the Filterbank uses for triggers so that the filterbank is synced up and triggered by the melody very quickly without too much hassle. I could also imagine it being useful for creating quick drum triggers from a melody as well as a useful performance tool.

I think this as a standalone effect as well as being incorporated into the ‘Output’ effect where you could split the remapped signal off into another channel would be mega!

I think your example could be accomplished with the shaper effect added recently, not sure if you’ve had a chance to try that out yet.

I did play around with Shaper. Unfortunately it doesn’t explicitly remap notes to a specific value :confused: