Encoder Part #s?

Hi and thanks for the video link, but there’s no way to see the part number in that video.

A part that is totally common now may not be in a decade or two. You may be right about the part being common, but how can anyone really know without the part number?

It may not even take a decade for an encoder to go bad. Look at what happened with DSI Prophet '08 encoders.

Even if they are as common as you say, it would still be good and useful to know the actual part number, so that spares can be put away and ready to hand in the future. Have you seen this:

He talks about having to scrape contacts to try to keep the device alive. I’ve been there. I use multitrack tape, and I keep scrounging for broken units for parts, because the original parts are impossible to find. Imagine yourself in the future, dependent on this device for your musical life, and Squarp not around anymore to help, or simply unable to. A set of encoders stashed in a drawer could be a musical lifesaver.