Effects on/off per pattern

So, lets say I have a bass track with an arpeggiator effect on - but on some patterns on that track I may want to turn the effect off. Dunno if that’s possible with automation, or if that has to be done manually?


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Yeah, you can do with with an Automation lane.

You need to have the effect set up in the Effects bit, then the controls for it will appear in Automation, underneath all of the usual CC/CV/etc bits. You can use automation to change most if not all parameters, so you could even have different arp styles per pattern.


Ahh jeez I’ve missed that! Great, thanks!

You can also use “pattern values”, which is a sort of parameter lock per pattern. This saves the trouble of setting up an automation lane for a single value. This applies to MUTE as well.

See the section “Locking effect parameters to patterns” for more detail:


oh wow, I hadn’t noticed that

what is meant by “it applies to mute as well” in this context. I understand how the parameter lock works in this case, but not the reference to mutes. Is it possible to mute the effects per pattern?

Super useful, thank you Thibault

Yessss! That’s an awesome feature!

Looks like the ‘tip’ for the parameter locking subsection is to be able to lock on/off the effect per pattern and not just specific values :partying_face:

Just learned how to do this. Super fun. Every day I use my Hapax I learn more ways to program music. I love it!