Edit definition files on device directly?

Hello, is it possible to edit a definition file on the HAPAX itself and save it directly to SD card or do I always need to edit the TXT file on a computer?? Thanks

text editor > SD card > Hapax

We decided against it, as it would be immensely tedious.

Saving the current track settings as a new instrument definition wouldn’t be too bad though, would it?

And overwriting an existing file would be about as smooth, no?


The text editor is great for creating the initial file but I often make some changes directly on the device and it’d be nice to just overwrite the existing one quickly without swapping the SD.

Do you mean tedious for the user or tedious to implement? I’d never want to create the initial files on the device. The text editor is quick and easy for creation. But would it be ever be possible to overwrite an existing file from the device and just save over the original? Perhaps in a future firmware update? Thanks! Either way, Hapax is a total game-changer and I absolutely love it.

This would be great. Just a “save new instrument definition” option would suffice.

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