Drum Track Question

Drum track is really cool but is missing one big thing for me. While in drum track mode, the note being sent is locked to the setting made in the drum config menu. So you can set it to send C3, and that is all. Unfortunately, for a lot of drum machines, such as elektron, being unable to change this per step means that we cannot easily vary the pitch of our drums in our pattern using drum track. It would be really cool if each step could have its own note being sent. Sounds like a can of worms though now that I type it out.

Am I missing something? Can someone give me some advice on how to effectively send different note values on a single drum track? I know that I can do it sort of randomly using effects, but it I have not found any effects that make it work rationally or usefully. I realize if I went to poly mode I could do this, but right now I am trying to figure out if there are any hacks to this in drum track mode.

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i guess, in theory, each drum sound could have it’s own dedicated drum track. so then you could at least have eight different MIDI note values assigned across the drum track kit (different pitches) to sequence on the grid as needed.

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true. I guess i dont find it important to have pitch on each track, really only in specific circumstances. Good idea. My goal here is to stop using the syntakt sequencer and do everything from the hapax, so i am looking for solutions to a few of the lingering hesitations.

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I feel your pain with the Elektron boxes and it would be cool to set note values per step.

I sequence drums on my Octatrack and like to have breaks with different drum sounds so notes values.
Since there’s only 8 rows in a drum pattern they fill up pretty quick and forces me to use a different track which is not ideal when switching patterns.

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I also feel your pain. Best I’ve come up with is to have a drum track for eight sounds I exclusively use for non-pitched percussion and then any other pitched sounds I create another poly track. There’s also always the option of just programming everything on the patterns of the syntakt and then just using the hapax to send PC messages. This can get kind of complicated when you want to loop parts on the hapax because it keeps changing to the next pattern (though if there is a workaround someone let me know).

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Any update on this??