I plugged my Pyramid into the host USB port just to see what happened. It powers up, but doesn’t seem to start it when I press play on the Hapax.
More out of interest than anything else, as I think I’ll probably end up selling the Pyramid (waiting a few weeks before I make the decision) as it really improves and enhances my own personal workflow on the Pyramid (I mostly use it for short loops, either recorded or step-sequenced)
You mean pyramid directly into the hapax ( not via a usb hub?)
That’s odd it works for me ….
obviously ‘to start’ you’ll need to sort out your sync settings on both.
Easy test is to put pyramid in live mode , and press a key and see if hapax sees it.
Hello, I’m just tuning into this thread. I’m trying to drive multiple synths with Hapax via USB because when I send MPE out of Hapax via DIN the Note Off commands are sometimes getting lost, causing hanging notes. I’m trying to route it through my MioXL, I see the proper midi tracffic in Hapax when triggering notes on my keyboard connected via MioXL. However I get no triggering in the destination synth. If I route the key controller straight to the synth via MioXL it works fine. Can you advise on how you configure your Hapax midi settings to work with MioXL?