Does Hermod+ do conditional trigs (math)

Does the Hermod+ do conditional trigs (math) like the Hapax does?

I just got my Hermod + and still learning it, but the Chance Effect can do this non destructive and controllable via mod matrix.

Check chapter 3.9 in the manual for more info…

“3.9. Chance
Plays or skips a note based on probability, in order to add variations to drum
patterns and melodies…”

It is not just simple trigger probability , you can actually bias certain Notes to restrict probability of triggers just to quarter notes or other steps. you can also tie trigger probability proportional to Velocity values of notes in the sequence.

Very powerful and dead simple to use. Great on simple 16th notes percussion or Bass pattern.

Thanks, probability can be super useful and the Hermod+ seems to have a nice implementation, but it is not what I’m looking for here.

I’m looking for operations like “trigger this note every third time this bar is played”. This type of conditional operation COUPLED with probability is super useful – Hapax has it so I was surprised that there was not mention of it in the Hermod+ manual.

Although I have a Hapax, I’ve been considering pickup up a Hermod+ to have a complete “in the rack” sequencing solution (and besides my Hapax is usually setup w/other gear in my studio), but it looks like it might not meet my needs yet (hopefully in a future OS revision?).