Difference beteen Project an Track LFO

Hi Squarp,

I tried to get a slowly (1Hz) LFO on a CC via a Track LFO (fx), and found that it was only sending out a CC, when a note is played (both with LOOP & RLOOP mode). Doing the same with a Project LFO does actual send out all expected CC changes. Is this by design?


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It sounds like it’s by design as the project LFO cycles even when the Hapax is stopped.

I think the track LFO is designed to reset every note.

Hopefully Thibault can shed some light on this.

With mode set to LOOP, it should be a free running LFO, so shouldn’t retrigger on every note. I haven’t used Hapax much for a while, but I’m pretty sure this used to work as intended. Maybe it does need a pattern playing (not sure), but retriggering on every note is definitely not intended.

Might be a bug introduced by one of the latest firmware updates, but I would suspect such an obvious bug to be fixed by Squarp very quickly after the introduction.

Track LFOs only run when the player runs, while Project LFOs are always running.

Then, the MODE parameter also changes the behaviour.
“LOOP” mode does not restart the LFO on note events.
Any mode that’s not “LOOP” will restart the LFO on every note.

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Thanks for your response @Thibault_Squarp.
Are the Track LFOs (while playing) sending continuously, or only when notes happen? Thnx.

BTW, you can use an automation lane with the curve generator to create LFOs on a track as well.