Design own Arpeggio on Hapax possible?


I’m loving the Hapax, still so much to learn and explore which is great. One question I have though, does the Hapax have ability to design your own arps? I have a Digitone and that has a great arpeggio where you can design your own, but looking at the menu it doesn’t seem possible on the Hapax (yet), it certainly has the 2 screens and that huge grid to do something there.

Maybe I should send in a feature request :slight_smile:



Would love this too! Especially if you can use the grid to program the arpeggio pattern.

You can do something that comes close by programming a sequence and then play the transpose track 16. But it is not exactly the same.


Wait for it…


Yea this would be awesome. If anyone knows Xfer’s Cthulu plugin this would be a great inspiration for a mode like this.

Just imagine the power of that grid.

I’ll send a feature request in and also link to here.

I’m sure someone already has.


In the meantime, try modulating the arpeggio’s parameters with an LFO or two. You might have a happy accident.

I‘d love this too!

As workaround try putting a Harmonizer fx before the arpeggiator.

When I want rests in this pattern, I sometimes put some Harmonizer steps to -36 and then put a Midi Note Filter after the arpeggiator, and remove only those low notes.

Still, a clear arp creator like on Digitone / A4 / OT would be great


I like the sound of that! With regards to the Midi note filter is that literally under the FX filter here? I’m at work so can’t check.

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Why not just use the midi filter only, make it filter all notes and modulate the on/off switch of that?

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Yeah it’s the filter effect

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Wow - I’ll have to wrap my brain around that:)

You could modulate it with a modulation lane, but as of now that needs to be the same length as the full track length right? I’d prefer a smaller amount of steps arp, so then my method would be preferred no?