Here is a def file for the GND-1T Speak and Glitch.
It’s a maze of midi but i’ve had good results with this so far, I’ve left in all the info from the midi config but edit as you will to make it more useful to you.
0:Bank select - 0-9
2:Breath control
3:Plasma -Modifies the effect of Gravity
4:DRIFT depth - N.B. GLOBAL not patch specific
6:NRPN data MSB
7:VOLUME = Post Filter
9:Amplitude ADSR depth- Mixer between rectangular and ENV
10:Expanded XP param select
Use instead of CC11 for
parameters not accessed
via MIDI CC 0-127 (0-15)
11:Expression param select -MIDI CC of any continuous
parameter in this list. If omitted, the
last edited parameter is used.
Altering or selecting any parameter
sets it as the current one being
12:Expression controller
0-4 0=modheel 1=velocity 2=breath
3=aftertouch 4=XPLFO
13:Expression scaler value 0-127 bipolar 0=max neg, 64=0, 127 = max pos
19:Tempo (speech rate)
20:LFO1 Rate
21:LFO2 Rate
22:Attack/Decay mod
23:Cross mod LFO1+2+SLFO E
24:SLFO Slow LFO rate
25:CLFO Chaos LFO rate
26:XPLFO mix
27:XPLFO mod wav1 0-nummodwav
28:Osc Waveshape 0 – 80 16 steps cross fading between
consecutive wavs vox, saw, sqr, pnz,
pwm, sqr-oct (Table 3. GND-1T waveshape values (OSCW, modblock W1/W2, MFO)
Voiced Oscillator waveform values (set using CC 28)
0 Vocal glottal pulse (from Speak & Spell)
16 Saw
32 Square
48 PWM
64 Pitched Noise
80 Square octave up
Setting values between these causes cross fading between the two flanking waveforms)
29:Osc Brightness
30:Brightness mod Dep - Additive with folding
31:Brightness mod Mix 0-127 From Filter mod block\
32: LFO 1+2 mod depth 0-127 Uses BENDS mix waveform
33: Pitch 0-117 MIDI note values
34: Pitch mod depth - Additive
35: Pitch mod mix
36: Pitch mod wav1 0-nummodwav See Table 2 for revised numbering
37: Pitch mod wav2 0-nummodwav See Table 2
39: Plasma bend mod depth 0-127 Additive
40: Filter 0-127 (see also CC 73)
41: Filter mod depth 0-127 Additive with folding
42: Filter mod mix
43: Filter mod wav1 0-nummodwav See Table 2
44: Filter mod wav2 0-nummodwav See Table 2
45: Speech ROM “loop blur” 0-127 0=no effect,127=max blur
46: Loop length
47: LP leng mod depth 0-127 Multiplicative or/ Addditive
48: LP leng mod mix
49: Lp leng mod wav1 0-nummodwav See Table 2
50: Lp leng mod wav2 0-nummodwav See Table 2
51: Echo Delay Time
52: Glitch
53: Glitch bend mod depth 0-127 Additive with folding
54: Gravity 0-127
55: Gravity bend mod depth 0-127 Additive with folding
56: Flux 0-127
57: Flux bend mod depth 0-127 Additive with folding
58: Warp 0-127
59: Warp bend mod depth 0-127 Additive
60: Bend mod mix 0-127
61: Bend mod wav1 0-nummodwav See Table 2
62: Bend mod wav2 0-nummodwav See Table 2
63: Unvoiced Speech Energy
0-127 0 = unvoiced signals off
127 = unmodified speech levels
64: Freeze & Looper Control
*in looper mode, set up
Echo vol and delay time
first. Recommend setting
Global Drums and RUN off
while creating loops from
multiple patches
0/127, and 1-8 127 = punch in if echoFreeze ON
0 = punch out if echoFreeze ON
1= LPfreeze off, 2= LPfreeze on
3=modFreeze off, 4=modFreeze on
5=echoFreeze off, 6=echoFreeze on
7=punch mode overwrite
8=punch mode dub\
65: PStereo (phase)
66: FStereo (filter)
67: BStereo (bend)
68: BStereo Mod (bendmod) Multiplicative
69: Drum src mix 0-127 0 = speech ROM updates
127= synth audio
70: Drum volume
71: Drum vel out variation
72: DRUM MUTE 0-1 0 = drums on (mute off)
1 = drums off
- See also CC 102
73: Filter DeResonance 0-127 Lowers speech filter resonances
At max, filter-allpass
74: Drum trigger sensitivity
75: Drum trig sens mod 0-127 Additive
76: Drum trig sens mod mix
77: Drum rate
78: Drum rate mod 0-127 Additive
79: Drum pattern
80: Drum pattern mod 0-127 Additive with folding
81: Drum rate+pat mod mix 0-127
82: Drum mod wav1 0-nummodwavs Table 2
83: Drum mod wav2 0-nummodwavs Table 2
84: Drum improv/rand 0-127 Randomizes timing
85: Drum map mod depth
86: XPLFO mod wav2 0-nummodwav
87: XPlfoScaler
88: Tune
89: Post Filter mod wav1 0-nummodwav
90: Post Filter mod wav2 0-nummodwav
91: Echo Repeats
92: Post Filter cutoff
93: Post Filter mod depth
94: Post Filter resonance/Q
95: Post Filter mod mix
96: Xpression Freeze Thresh
97: Post Filter Overdrive
98: NRPN param low byte
99: NRPN param high byte
100: Osc Drive (pre filter) 0-127 64=unity gain re speech ROM data
101: Tempo mod 0 -127 uses LPleng mod mix signal
102: RUN / STOP 0= STOP
1 or 127 = RUN
2 = D-RUN off
3 = D-RUN on*
audio with fades
*D RUN (run drums only) is only
effective when in STOP state. MIDI
notes can be played while this is
active. In STOP, activating D RUN
turns off drumMute.
Stop all audio immediately,
Clear all MIDI notes
103: DRIFT control 0=off, 1/127=on,
2 =clear,
3= load temp
4= save temp
5= load perm
6= save perm
7= delete perm
0 halt drift, retain current values
2 clear drift buffer
3 load-from / 4 save-to
temp drift buffer
5 load / 6 save / 7 delete, current
permanent buffer (select buffer
0-127 using NRPN CC 98=64,
CC 6 = buffer #)
104: DRIFT rate 0-127
105: Revert / Reload patch any non-0 value
106: Randomize Commands 0-6,127 0 = (no effect)
1 = rand Loop/Word + Synth params
2 = rand Loop/Word
3 = rand Synth params
4 = rand Drums (but not Kits)
5 = undo (rand / drift)
6 = rand internal Drum kits
127 = rand All
107: Word Bank select 0-4 See Table 7
108: Word index (in bank) 0-59 See Table 7
109: Play mode 0-5 0 = LOOP reFILT off
1 = LOOP reFILT on
resets filter each LOOP cycle
2 =Speak off
3= Speak on, multiword
4= Speak on, single word
5= Speak on, babble (random words)
110: Tempo clk PPQN scaler 0-127 24=unity @120bpm (1=24x, 0=48x)
111: LFO clk PPQN scaler 0-127
112: LP length clk PPQN scaler 0-127
113: Drum rate clk PPQN scaler 0-127
114: MFO rate 0-127
115: MFO fine tune 0-127
116: MFO offset 0-127
117: MFO Amp mod 0-127
118: MFO Pitch mod 0-127
119: MFO Filter mod 0-127
120: Stop all sound Any value
121: Not used
122: MFO mod depth mod 0-127 Multiplicative
123: All notes off
126: MFO mod mix 0-127 From LPleng mod block
127: Echo Volume 0-127}