Just bought a Hermod+ and trying to simply record notes from the CV/Gate outputs of Arturia Keystep into Hermod+ via its A/B inputs but it only records Gate and all the notes are recorded as C0. Same with input C/D. It’s the same when monitoring the via A/B or C/D inputs - all I hear is the C0 note.
I’m sure the cables are ok, because if I connect the Keystep directly to the V/Oct of the oscillator then it works fine.
In the Hermod+ settings, the CV range selected is -5V to +5V.
The input monitor show the gate activity and changes in voltage when I press the appropriate keys on the Keystep.
What could be wrong?
It looks like updating the OS (from 1.01 to 1.31) helped to solve the problem. Now the CV inputs are recorded correctly. However I’m still encountering strange behaviour for which I can’t find the explanation:
now when I monitor incoming notes (coming from the Keystep via A/B inputs) and for example play a sequence of notes such as: C3 > C3 > C4 > C4, what I hear is - C3 > C3 > F3 > C4. For some reason Hermod+ plays in a wrong note (always pitched somewhere in between of the last note and the note being pressed). Its so annoying
Bacause Keystep CV OUT range is 0-5V, I set Hermod+'s CV IN accordingly to 0-5V (in CV/GATE IN settings), then when I play notes on a Keystep, the lowest note Hermod+ will send to its output is still C5. It should be C0 as I understand. It seems that CV IN range setting does not do anything. Am I missing something here? Who has managed to connect a Keystep via CV gate? I know I can use MIDI or USB connection for this, but I prefer the analog way and want to be sure my new shiny Hermod+ isn’t faulty…