Best desktop synths to pair with Hapax?

Hey all, I’ve had my Hapax for a while, but mostly have used it with modular. I’d like to try it with a more “traditional” synth setup, and I’m wondering what synths I should consider. Genre-wise, I am most interested in darker, textural IDM or DnB types of music. I’m curious what synths people like to use with their Hapax.

Currently considering:
Access Virus TI2
ASM Hydrasynth
Nord Drum

Waldorf Iridium (Desktop or the new Core - pretty expensive though)
Dreadbox Typhon
Arturia Minifreak (not a desktop, but still pretty small)

xavier hose preenfm2 or 3
waldorf blofeld
korg volca sample v1 with pajen os
moog sub fatty / subsequent 37

these are all fully controllable via midi cc which makes them fun to modulate with hapax

Access Virus TI2 is 16 part multi-timbral, Hydrasynth is Bi-timbral at most (deluxe)
So with al the track powers of HAPAX, I would go Virus (I did).


I got here among others

Waldorf M (which will get a new FW soon!)
Freds Lab Töröö
both wavetable with analog filters

and - also more into darker experimental stuff - am happy with both
but any synth wins from what you can do with the HAPAX.
+1 for BLOFELD - cheap but very powerful and freaky.

I’ll second the virus TI2. Very easy to set up tracks in the sequencer mode with the instrument description. It’s not a desktop, but the jupiter-Xm also works well with the hapax and has an enormous number of patches and it is also pretty easy to work with using the instrument definition. It only has 4 parts (plus a drum part), though.

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if you want/need some FM flavor, Digitone is pretty handy. i don’t muck with the internal sequencer but at a minimum it’s 8 voices across four tracks you can dedicate four Hapax tracks to

I bought the Iridium Core. Love it with the Hapax, The sound is just amazing.

Kodamo EssenceFM is nice if you like FM. 16-part multitimbral so you could build a very full track with this + Hapax.

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PreenFM2 or 3 are very nicely priced genuine FM with a lot more to work with than digitone such as many filter / distortion types, many LFOs, arps, in patch sequencers, mod matrix, user waveforms, reverb, unison, 6 operators, 4/6 part multitambrality with larger poly count than number of parts so you can do chords, multiple outs in the case of preenfm3, small footprint, usb buss power and midi access, list goes on. essence fm is nice but theres no reason to pay that much for an fm

ROMplers like the Roland JV-10xx, JV-20xx, or even the Sound Canvases are a lot of fun with Hapax, also.

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