Behringer TD-3-MO CC list?

Has anyone had any luck locating a TD-3-MO CC midi list? I have wanted to create a definition file for mine, but have not found anyone has done the ‘homework’ ahead of time.

If anyone has any links to any resources that give the CC list, that would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise I think I’ll have to go the route of manually creating the list myself using a midi translator to snag the info myself.

Thanks in advance!

I think nothing but CC74 for cutoff is possible.

btw it would be so great, if all synths with display would show the corresponding CC with each parameter.

None of the td-3s can be midi controlled. I think it might even say it in the manual.

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…except CC74 for Cutoff on the TD-3 MO, as @nefertiti mentions. i assume you mean ‘parameter knobs controllable via midi CC or similar’ when you say “midi controlled”, and you’re essentially correct…but neither manual says “can’t be controlled via Midi” but they do both feature the following (TD-3MO and TD-3 respectively):


Yep. I was “assuming” they wanted to control the knob-based parameters only. But you are right that I was a not specific enough :wink:

Yes that’s exactly what I was aiming for, to be able to control the knob parameters with the Hapax. It’s unfortunate that the synth doesn’t have that ability, but I did only pay a bit over $100 for it so I suppose I shouldn’t complain too much.

Thanks for the responses yall ! :pray:t2::pray:t2:

Even the Abstrakt Avalon doesn’t have much midi capability and it’s 10-20 times the price of a TD-3-MO!

The Avalon is limited to:

  1. Note On / Velocity / Slide
  2. Filter Cutoff
  3. Modulation Envelope Trigger

the oft maligned Roland Boutique TB-03 is one of the most CC-friendly allowing Midi CC control of all of the main parameters plus most of the boutique extras: Env Mod, Accent Level, Overdrive, Delay Time, Delay Feedback, Res, Cutoff Freq, Decay, Slide Stats and Tuning. all of the the boutiques seem to work really well with the Hapax as Instrument Definitions.
@CeeDub “not specific enough” is a virtue imho :slight_smile: meant
for my reply to be over the top pedantic lol opposed to just pedantic pedantic. sorry. i blame it on SysRT hex documentation :potted_plant:

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I recently scooped a TD3 MO and tried connecting it via midi. Nothing plays when I have a pattern programmed on the Hapax. I can play notes in the live mode on the Hapax but the triggered notes are all lighting the accented led on the td3. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

I would suggest consulting guides for the td-3-mo’s different operating/sequencer modes. eg external, midi sync with internal sequencer, I think there are a couple more.
Also you have to set 2 midi channels on the td-3-mo, the first is for outgoing notes from the td-3-mo to the midi out port of the td-3-mo. The second channel that is set is for incoming midi notes to the td-3-mo’s midi in port.

eg -
In one of the modes, if the td-3-mo’s internal sequencer is playing (or starts playing from clock/transport received), external notes sent into the td-3-mo won’t trigger. This one can get me sometimes as when the clock/transport is stopped, the external notes (say from live mode on hapax), will trigger, leading you/me to believe that things are configured correctly.

It’s also way easier to configure the td-3-mo using the usb cable and the synthtribe app.

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Appreciate the assist and led me down the right path where I discovered that you actually want the TD3 to be in trigger sync mode and not midi sync. Atrocious lack of documentation re this unit but sounding nasty now :partying_face: