So this request comes out of noticing that there is no “1/6” rate sync value, as well as longer (bar/multiple bar) lengths not having many ‘odd’ values for interesting evolutions that still remain synced.
Basic level LFO request - include more “1.5x” values .Ones that come to mind:
24 bars, 12 bars, 6 bars, 1.5 bars, 1/6.
Mid tier LFO request - offer sync modes that allow you to set 2 values for ratios - eg numerator/denominator (could press-turn to set the alt value, and be able to automate each independently). This way all sorts of interesting fractions are possible.
Bonus achievement - a speed multiplier, and pulse width for the LFO waveforms. This feature is great for if you want to say have a ramp rising over 4 bars, but then drop for the last 4 beats. Or if you want say a square that is high for the first 4 beats of a 16 bar section, but then low for the rest.
Boss level LFO request - all of the above, but also allow custom LFO shapes. In terms of interface to achieve this, that could be drawn in the automation window perhaps -.2nd+Automation currently doesn’t seem to do anything and would make sense, then being able to select from the shapes parameter.
You could say that automation lanes are custom LFOs already I suppose, but there’s no way to modulate the depth, phase, clock multiplier, etc of an automation lane.
yes please! dont forget to put your request through the official contact form!
This is an incredibly well thought out and useful feature request! Thank you @Avlantis for putting this request together. I have copied and sent the request to Squarp.
If you find this and/or other requests useful, be sure contact Squarp via their Feature Request link and let them know.
You could do the custom lfo shapes using two knobs etch-a-sketch style!
They could also just have dynamic automation lanes
Thanks for submitting a request, did you happen to hear back what they thought of it?
I think I also submitted a request, but memory is hazy. I’ll have a trawl through my emails to see if I got any response.
Currently the way I’m producing altered LFO shapes is by assigning one LFO destination to another LFO’s depth/rate, but I’m running into some issues still where it’s just difficult to get the timing right for a desired circumstance, or the right phase/amounts at exact values. Another thing that came to mind that would be incredibly useful would be sample-and-hold so that you can ‘step’ through a sine wave in discreet chunks (eg a sine wave, but it counts like 63-79-95-111-127-111-95-etc)
I submitted the request and received a response on 7/9/24. They said the development team will look into it. So fingers crossed!
I too play with assigning LFOs to another LFOs parameters. It’s not easy. In the past, I sent the following two requests to Squarp that would make this sort of assigning much easier:
- For LFO Effect, better visual representation of long LFOs. Perhaps a zoom in/out feature or some sort of scaling?
- For LFO Effect, feedback from LFO Destination to the Depth and Offset parameters. Currently, I have to switch from the LFO Effect to the Destination to see how much effect is being applied.
For the first request, they are aware of the issue and said they are trying to work on it. For the second request, they said the development team will talk it over and see if it is possible.
Really hoping for another update in the near(ish) future.
Also struggle with those points you mentioned. Another idea could be a mod/absolute switch, where absolute sets the destination value, but mod … modifies it. That would be a bit more work to implement though, as there’d need to be extra data for everything. Although that said, I just remember now there is already a “default” value for automation lanes. Not sure how similar that is in their implementation of it.
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