Automation Smoothing Between Pattern Changes?

Is there a way to do this easily? Sometimes I have the same automation for a track on different patterns, but with very different values from the end of one pattern to the start of another. This is often audible depending on what I’m automating on the end device. Is there anyway to interpolate/smooth values between pattern changes?


Some kind of slew rate would be cool.


Have also experienced this and was wondering if there were creative ways folks have been able to transition from project to project artfully/smoothly. Don’t use sections much but thought about putting together an intro and/or outro section (or maybe just a transition section) for each project that has specific parameters allowing a smoother transition… would be nice if they had something like a DJ style transition effect for MIDI but can’t say how realistic that is :person_shrugging:


Yeah, I’m only a new Hapax user and still building my back-catalogue of songs for rehearsal and then performance, but I have already settled on having a transition section which in song mode then sits first and last (pre-intro and post-outro), and I use that for automation smoothing and reset, program changes etc.


It’s an interesting idea, I’ll take note of that :slight_smile:

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Oh you know what would be cool, something that works like a MIDI crossfader (clearly, the Hapax doesn’t have a physical fader of any kind, haha)

Sweet! That’s the only thing preventing me from mixing audio in my daw with the Hapax as my only controller/visual feedback (CC automating volumes, etc.). Right now I start on the Hapax, then record the MIDI data into my daw so that I can smooth any sudden CC automation changes.