Anyone using Zynthian?

Zynthian is awesome and a major productivity boost for me combined with Hapax

However I get dropped notes and stuck notes a lot with the current Zynthian production and staging firmware

Anyone else experiencing this?

i prefer using the same synth models within reaper, on the same hardware–raspberry pi. i love cardinal, surge xt, dexed, helm, noizemaker, opl, mda collection, zynaddsubfx, and many more. i did move to win11 exclusively but most of those came with me, but now i have access to retail synths as well. cardinal is somewhat better than vcv rack in that it works as a plugin and has all included modules and a bunch of freeware too. it sounds so good, its hard to believe its totally free. any audio rate modulation, ultra custom routing, drect cv(able) outputs to control my hardware modules… if i was stuck with a raspberry pi (even a 4B) i would have everything i needed.