Anyone using AUM on their iPad with the Hapax?


Along with my external hardware I’m been trying out the AUM via the USB port to my iPad to run a synth which has been great. I’ve been using track 7 on MIDI channel 12 on the Hapax and is all works. Now the issue I have now is adding a 2nd synth to AUM on track 8 MIDI channel 13 where I can’t get it to work. I’m wondering if this is possible?

This is how I have AUM setup.

Synth 1 on MIDI 12 (works)

Synth 2 on MIDI 13 (not working)

you’ve got the midi mapping on AUM where you can output the hapax on a channel and map it to another instrument correct, is the output on the channel on the hapax set to usb?

I haven’t tried with a usb cable that but did worked via a usb midi device.

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Yes you can, just double check the output channel on the Hapax as MadMcMan suggest :wink:

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