Ableton cc absolute/relative


When I try to record cc messages from ableton into the pyramid, at best I get jumps from value ro value, so the automation line only goes straight down and sideways, while I just gradually moved the knob.
I tried every mode from absolute to relative 2’s complement for example.

Is there anything else I can try?

You should be able to record CC messages to a 96ppqn resolution with Pyramid in Live mode, so I’m not sure what the problem is, though a possibility might be that the amount of data that Ableton Live is spitting out is too much for (your MIDI interface or) Pyramid to handle. I am guessing here, though, and I should warn you that I have never used Ableton to send out MIDI to my hardware.

I think a lot of DAWs will automatically filter out repeated CC messages and only send a new CC message when the value actually changes (thus reducing the amount of unnecessary data being sent). I don’t think Ableton used to, and maybe still doesn’t, do that. You should be able to diagnose if this is a likely cause by monitoring the MIDI being sent out by Ableton (you could also check and/or compare that with what Pyramid receives with it’s MIDI In Monitior). If you felt that might be the problem, you could try installing the Max for Live MIDI CC repeat filter (or something similar) on your computer, to see if that helps.

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