Feature req: automation: set cc value per row

Hi Guys,

When writing in stepped automation of a CC parameter, I think it would be excellent if we could set the value of each row, possibly holding 2nd and the row.

I realize you can hold a pad and set an individual cc value, however, in a subsequent pad in the same row, the value returns to what the default of that row is.

The reason I want this is that I have a synth setup where I can get specific formant sounds by controlling the filter with given settings. I would like to be able to set the rows so I dont have to enter the number in each pad which is fairly heavy on the cognitive load.

I would imagine this would be useful in other scenarios too, ex: controlling the divsion of a delay or LFO, where an automation lane could quickly and easily give access to 8 discrete divisions!



I agree this would be very useful.