Workflow/ Song mode - compared to a daw

I use a hybrid setup…

my synths/octatrack/modular/hapax can all work standalone to ‘some degree’.
(having a multi-timbral synth , like my Virus, is an important part of this for me)

but I keep it simple… I use this to record ‘patterns’ , that could be midi patterns on the Hapax, or audio on the Octatrack.
all midi is routed via a mioXM, audio I just mix in eurorack or octatrack. ( * )

its focus is to be simple… capture ideas, and let me play without the Mac turned on.

when I need more, I move to stage two :slight_smile:

hardware is connected to my computer via an audio interface (18 in/out) and also the mioXM (for midi)
I then use Ableton and Push 2 ( ** ).
I use this when I want more… be that different synths, mixing or when I want to arrange.

as above, I often use record patterns in hardware, so I then ‘perform’ these into Live’s Arranger, in the same way as the Ableton Clip → Arranger workflow works.

but hell, sometimes, I just use the Push 2 and record clips directly into Live … and forget hardware sequencing.

the lesson I learnt the hardware was not to chase ‘ideals’ esp an ideal daw-less setup.
it does not exist, I just got more gear, and spent a lot of time re-configuring… when often it’d be easier to do in a computer… but I was avoiding just to be ‘daw-less’.
now I don’t care, I do whatever is simpler…

I feel like its the best of both worlds…
hardware only, when I just want to play, but using the daw when I want/need more.

but its very personal…
I really like to experiment with different ideas, both hardware and software.
so chasing a fixed setup never worked well… as it would always need reconfiguring, and that can be pretty painful in hardware.

but for others, if you use the same synths/drums for every track…
Im sure you could set it up once, and you are then done.

( * ) or sometimes I just turn on my Mac, and use ableton live as a simple mixer (my default template)

( ** ) Push 2 is a must for me, as its in my hardware setup, so makes Ableton ‘instrument like’.
I so also have an electra one which is great for midi mapping both hardware and software.